About me

My name is Stan. I am VR enthusiast from Germany.

I dreamed of perfect Virtual Reality gun stock and I made it.

- Now I plan to make something for other VR games and activities with new combined product with multiple upgrades.

- And I plan to give people really cool looking in their VR headsets with some new products on market.

- And I'm going to upgrade immersiveness and realism too. With affordable and innovative haptic feedback gunstock module. Hit me up, if you can help me with that.

Overall, I have education and experience in sphere of rehabilitation for physical disabilities and movement. So all of this stuff was made by doctor for gamers. I know much about comfort and safety, and want to share with people all of my recent inventions. To play VR effectively for a long time with minimum of stress and at maximum comfort, improving your health and comfort.

Take care and have a wonderful VR experience with SKOLVR products, dear friend.

Feel free to follow me on Facebook - Tiktok - YouTube  - Instagram - X.com

Join SKOLVR Discord gunstock-chat for more exclusive info

Sincerely, Stan